small sunflower
HomeClassesResourcesCool ToolsPretty StuffAbout Me


Welcome to Sally's Corner. This is a site that I developed with links to classes that I teach at UAA as well as a multitude of resources that I want to share with teachers and students in the course of my work.

In addition to links to the credit courses I teach, you will also find links to my favorite resources, tips and tricks, cool software and tools, gadgets, and of course, anything "pretty". I have earned my nicknames "Gadget Girl" and the "Queen of Pretty" because it really is all about cool fonts and graphics and one can never have too many technology toys. :-)

While this site may grow and evolve over time, the address will stay the same. From this point forward, this will be my home base for trainings I offer and things I want to share.



HomeClassesResourcesCool ToolsPretty StuffAbout Me sunflowers